Malcolm Shuman
Owner and Principal Investigator
Dr. Shuman is a Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA) with a B.A. degree from Louisiana State University; M.A. in Anthropology from the University of New Mexico; and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Tulane University, New Orleans. In addition to his work in and around Louisiana, Malcolm has worked on archaeological projects in France, Mexico, Texas, and the American Southwest. He has over 30 years of experience in Section 106 and 404 permit projects, including numerous projects for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) and several for City-Parish of Baton Rouge.
Steve Treloar
Sr. Project Archaeologist
Steve is a Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA), and a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Army. He served eight years and participated in operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He obtained his bachelors in anthropology from Kansas State University, and his Master’s in Anthropology from Louisiana State University. Steve’s research includes Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the materialization of prehistoric warfare, and the emergence of early sociopolitical complexity. His archaeological experience includes excavations at a ceremonial complex in the Andean highlands and surveys of ancient fortifications on Peru's north-central coast. Additional experience includes excavations at Swift Creek shell middens in Florida, and the survey and excavation of various historic and prehistoric sites in Louisiana. Steve has an unwavering passion for the preservation of Louisiana’s cultural heritage, and its conservation for future generations.
Julie Doucet
St. Project Archaeologist
Julie is a Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA) with Section 106 certification. She obtained her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge), and has worked as a professional archaeologist since 1994. Julie was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow (2010-2012), and her graduate research was a zoo-archaeological analysis of oysters and marine catfish from a prehistoric shell ring on the north Atlantic coast of Florida (Rollins Shell Ring). Julie’s archaeological experience includes work in Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, Florida, and Peru (Nepeña Valley) on prehistoric and historic sites. She has been an active member of the Louisiana Archaeological Society (LAS) since 1998, and has held officer positions since 2012. Julie is currently the director of the LAS Lac St. Agnes Research Project, a public outreach program sponsored and supported by the LAS. Julie is dedicated to archaeology and the preservation of our cultural heritage.
Margeaux Murray
Archaeological Specialist
Margeaux Murray has worked as an Archaeological Specialist for SURA, Inc. since 2014. She is Section 106 certified, and has lead multiple Phase I cultural resources surveys while fostering lasting professional relationships with clients. Prior to working for SURA, Inc., Margeaux earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Louisiana State University. Her research interests are centered on southeastern archaeology. While attending LSU, she honed her skills as a competent archaeologist by excavating at a Spanish Colonial site in Ascension Parish, interning as a field technician for the U.S. Forest Service in Natchitoches, and analyzing artifacts recovered from a sugar cane plantation site along the Mississippi River in East Baton Rouge Parish. Margeaux is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Anthropology with a concentration in Archaeology at Louisiana State University.
Brandy Kerr
Archaeological Specialist
Brandy received her B.A. in anthropology and Spanish from Louisiana State University in 2009 and is continuing at LSU in pursuit of her Master’s degree in anthropology. She is Section 106 certified, and has been employed with SURA, Inc. since 2012. During her time with SURA, Brandy has fulfilled multiple roles, to include that of a field technician, a laboratory analyst, and now a project manager. Her experience includes survey at Magnolia Mound Plantation (Baton Rouge), from 2012-2016. Her survey of 285 acres in Lafourche Parish resulted in the discovery of a Milk House originally part of the Live Oak Plantation. She directed the Phase II archaeological survey of a multi-component – prehistoric and historic – site on the Tchefuncte River (2015). Because of her steadfast commitment to archaeology and her customers, Brandy is the pinnacle of excellence in CRM. She is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Anthropology at Louisiana State University.